The competition of joint Ukrainian-Czech research projects for 2021-2022 has started. It was announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

The competition is open to any research groups of higher education institutions and research institutions of Ukraine and research groups of universities in the Czech Republic.

Applications are accepted until May 25, 2020.

Submission of the application

To participate in the competition you must submit:

  • cover letter on the letterhead of the applicant institution in any form addressed to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the name of the joint project, priority area, name of the supervisor and a list of annexes (1 copy);
  • completed application form in Ukrainian and English in one file (2 paper copies with signatures and seals of both parties; scanned copy from the Czech partner is allowed);
  • confirmation letter from the Czech partner (project manager) on the letterhead of the partner institution in any form addressed to the head of the applicant institution indicating the name of the joint project and the Czech side’s commitment to financially support the project implementation by its researchers (1 copy; a scanned copy is allowed);
  • act of expert review for open publication of materials on the topic of the project in any form (1 copy);
  • CV in Ukrainian and English in any form of Ukrainian and Czech project academic advisors (1 copy each);
  • fill in the Google form which must be accompanied by a completed application in *. doc and *. pdf formats. It is better to fill in the Google form after the preparation of all specified documents.

All paper materials must be collected in one signed folder.

The organizers will consider only those applications that are made under these requirements and were sent on time.

Documents are accepted at the address: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 16 Taras Shevchenko Blvd., room 310, Kyiv, 01601.

They can be submitted in two ways:

  • send by mail (the date is determined by the stamp on the envelope of the postal item);
  • submit in person – leave in the mailbox, which is located in the lobby of the Ministry of Education and Science at the above address.

Selection stages:

  • verification of documents for compliance with the requirements;
  • transfer of applications for scientific examination;
  • conducting of expert reviews along in both countries;
  • consideration of the results of the examination by the Joint Ukrainian-Czech Commission;
  • approval by the Joint Commission of the results of the competition and the list of projects that will receive funding.

Chronology of the contest:

  • April 19 – opening of the contest;
  • June 21 – closing of the contest;
  • November (approximate) – announcement of results;
  • March 2022 (estimated) – concluding contracts for project financing.

Selection criteria:

  • scientific compliance;
  • scientific quality and innovative nature of the project;
  • the ability and competence of temporary research teams to implement the project;
  • the possibility of conducting joint research and the adequacy of the scientific method and approach;
  • experience of participation in international projects and future development of international cooperation;
  • the quality of the infrastructure of the institutions involved in the project;
  • participation in the project of young scientists (under 35 years old);
  • opportunities for practical use of project results.