Jean Monnet Modules: Monitoring of environmental objects in the context of European integration

The project: 101127251 — MEOEU — ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH



All types of environmental pollution do not have borders and are in fact cross-border. Rapid pollution of one country often becomes an ecological and economic crisis of another country. The EU experience in environmental control is necessary for Ukraine, which has chosen an inevitable course of European integration. The project will promote the dissemination of EU experience in environmental monitoring, improvement of ecological safety in Ukraine and formation of the European level of environmental culture and law among the students. It will help to draw public attention to environmental problems and their impact on the quality of life. It will provide the improvement of knowledge about European principles of environmental safety and public initiatives in this direction, will help to become active participants of discussion and studying of international environmental policy. This might be achieved by teaching of the developed courses for students of the “Master’s degree” in “Chemistry” and other faculties, conducting of open lectures, discussions, conferences. The practical result of the project is active educational work with youth, new educational materials, scientific publication, manuals. These measures contribute to the fight against environmental incompetence and improve knowledge of environmental human and civil rights based on the principles of sustainable European development. As a result, they will form a request of the population regarding the necessity of monitoring the state of atmospheric air, its quality management, which is a guarantee of every citizen’s health in particular and nation as a whole. The necessity for the project is due to the lack of experience in using best practices to implement the European environmental safety strategy and the lack of training courses that could familiarize students with the experience of the EU countries in solving important issues of environmental monitoring. We intend to make two courses, which will be part of students’ curriculum, materials of courses will be available on the website of the Department even after financial support is terminated.
The project implementation process includes:
1. Changes to the existing course (30 academic hours).
2. Teaching of a new course for students of Natural Sciences faculty and other faculties, (30 academic hours), which will be included to the database of optional disciplines for university.
3. Organization and holding of open lectures and conferences for a wide range of listeners.
4. Adopting of European environmental practices (trips to EU universities).
5. Popularization and actualization of information on the site of the Department of Chemistry, on the Moodle platform in social networks.