Graduate of the Chemistry Department is an award winner «For Women in Science»

The award has been implemented in Ukraine for the 4th year in a row and is part of the global L’Oréal-UNESCO program «For Women in Science». The purpose of this award is to support talented female scientists, encourage young women to choose scientific professions, and help them in their careers.

At the award ceremony, which took place on December 21st, L’Oréal Ukraine announced the names of three winners of the 4th season of the Ukrainian L’Oréal-UNESCO Award «For Women in Science». Iryna Sulym, a graduate of the Chemistry Department, is among the top three successful scientists of Ukraine.

The teaching staff of the Chemistry Department congratulates Iryna Yaroslavivna on receiving the prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO award «For Women in Science». We wish you harmony in your soul and peace in your heart, family well-being, and sound health. Let bright success and creative victories accompany you in plans and initiatives, work brings only pleasure and generous results, and each new day gives inspiration, new discoveries, and achievements.

For the record

Sulym Iryna Yaroslavivna graduated from Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk in 2003. She successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis and received the degree of candidate of chemical science in 2007. She has been working at the laboratory of Oxide Nanocomposites of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a senior laboratory research scientist since 2006. She was repeatedly awarded a Scholarship of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for Young Scientists, as well as a Scholarship of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists for high achievements in her work.