Precarpatian University ranked in the TOP-10 universities in Ukraine according to U-Multirank

According to the updated information of U-Multirank 2021 world university ranking, Precarpatian National University has significantly strengthened its position and risen from 28th to 9th place among Ukrainian universities. In general, only 76 universities of Ukraine were included in U-Multirank 2021.

Positive assessment of Precarpatian University’s performance according to all five groups of U-Multirank’s criteria is evidence of its comprehensive sustainable development in the areas of education, research, international and regional cooperation.

For readers’ information. U-Multirank is a user-driven, stakeholder-oriented multi-level ranking. It takes into account different aspects and dimensions of the performance of universities: (1) teaching and learning, (2) research, (3) knowledge transfer, (4) international orientation, and (5) regional engagement. U-Multirank combines institutional ranking (of whole institutions) with a set of field-based rankings that focus on particular academic disciplines or groups of programmes. U-Multirank invites the user to first choose a number of empirical “profile indicators” and then compare institutions with similar profiles. U-Multirank leaves the decision about the relevance of different performance indicators to its users. This is facilitated by U-Multirank’s interactive web tool (see U-MULTIRANK