Open lecture “The role of public monitoring in environmental safety”

In our difficult times, it is extremely important to draw the attention of students and schoolchildren to the need to preserve a clean environment, because they need to develop a correct and stable worldview about the quality of life. They are our future in the post-war period, the builders of our state, and our hope for a dignified existence of Ukraine as a full-fledged member of the EU. Therefore, it is with joy and hope that we transfer knowledge and skills on environmental safety and rights to young people during meetings and lectures of teachers of the Department of Chemistry within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Monitoring of environmental objects in the context of European integration” MEOUE with the international technical assistance of the European Union Erasmus+ .

On October 22, the chemistry department gladly welcomed the active and inquisitive schoolchildren of the 7-A class of Burshtyn Lyceum No. 3 together with their mentors – chemistry teacher Iryna Starko and class teacher, geography teacher Maryana Cheh. Schoolchildren learned about the most common pollutants of atmospheric air and devices for rapid analysis of their quality, as well as the importance of controlling and preventing pollution of this invaluable natural resource.

We believe that our meetings with young people contribute to the formation of environmentally conscious and responsible citizens of Ukraine.