On October 25, 2024, the team of the project “Monitoring of environmental objects in the context of European integration” (MEOUE), which is implemented as part of the international technical assistance of the EU (Erasmus + Jean Monnet_Module), gave an open lecture at the Kalush Lyceum No. 10. Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the department of chemistry Serhiy Kurta and project coordinator Olha Khatsevych gave an open lecture for 11-A grade students on the topic «European monitoring of waters in Ukraine: legal, methodological and technical support for practical implementation». In an open lecture, Professor Kurta presented data on the environmental situation in Ivano-Frankivsk and the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine. Special attention was paid to the salinization of surface and groundwater in the city of Kalush. The causes of the complex ecological situation in the region and possible solutions were emphasized by Olha Khatsevich, Ph.D. The adoption of European principles and norms (in particular, WRD) for ecological monitoring of waters will prevent many ecological problems.
Open lecture «European monitoring of waters in Ukraine: legal, methodological and technical support for practical implementation»