On November 21, teachers of the Department of Chemistry at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, visited Kalush Vocational Polytechnic College to deliver an open lecture as part of the international ERASMUS_JMO_2023 project on the topic “Monitoring Environmental Objects in the Читати далі

In an online meeting, the team of the project “Monitoring Environmental Objects in the Context of European Integration” (MEOEU), implemented within the framework of EU international technical assistance (Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modules) at the Department of Chemistry of Vasyl Stefanyk Читати далі

On November 6, as part of the grant project “Monitoring of Environmental Objects in the Context of European Integration,” supported by the EU, Associate Professor Sofia Fedorchenko from the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of PNU Читати далі

Seminar “Chemistry in the New Ukrainian School” was held at the Center for Innovative Teaching Methods of PNU. Faculty members of the Department of Chemistry, S. A. Kurta, S. V. Fedorchenko, and I. M. Mykytin, participated in the seminar, presenting Читати далі