Ivan Myronyuk

Head of Chemistry Departement, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor


Personal informationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Scientific degrees

2017  –  Professor in Chemistry

2001  – Doctor of Science (in Chemistry) – Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, Kyiv, Ukraine

1988 –  Ph.D.  – Technical Science, National Thechnical University of  Ukraine “Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, Ukraine

1975  – MSc (Physics), Chernivtsi University, Ukraine Work Experience

2017 – present: Head of the Department of Chemistry, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

2012 – 2017: Head of Department of Organic and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

2005 – 2012: Vice-rector for scientific work, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ukraine)

1993 – 2004: Director of the Research and Experimental Plant of the Institute of Surface Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kalush city, Ukraine)

1987 – 1992: Head of the Department of New Materials for Radio Engineering at the Special Design and Technology Bureau of the Institute of Surface Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

1977 – 1986: Head of the Experimental production Lab of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Kalush city, Ukraine).

1. I.F. Myronyuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, Yu.O.Kulyk, V.M. Sachko. SAXS-investigation of porous structure of carbon materials derived from sugars // Ukrainian-German symposium on physics and chemistry of nanostructures and on nanobiotechnology. – 21-25 October, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2015. – P. 99.

2. І.F. Myronyuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, V.M. Sachko, V.M. Gun’ko. Structural features of carbons produced using glucose, lactose, and saccharose // International research and practice conference “Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials NANO-2016”. – 24-27 August, Lviv, Ukraine, 2016. – P. 609.

Mandzyuk V.І., Мyronyuk І.F., Bezruka N.A., Kulyk Yu.О. Structure, morphology and conductive properties of С-Al2O3 composites // Матеріали ХVI міжнародної конференції “Фізика і технологія тонких плівок та наносистем”. – 15-20травня, Івано-Франківськ, Україна, 2017. – P.

3. I. Mandzyuk, I.F. Myronyuk, V.M. Sachko, I.M. Mykytyn. Template synthesis of mesoporous carbon material // International research and practice conference “Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials NANO-2017”. – 23-26 August, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 2017. – P. 207.

4. I.F. Myronyuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, L.I. Myronyuk, H.V. Vasylyeva. The ion exchange properties of nanocrystalline anatase with grafted phosphate groups // International research and practice conference “Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials NANO-2017”. – 23-26 August, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 2017. – P. 632.

5. Myslin M.V., Myronyuk I.F., Tatarchuk T.R. Influence of Synthesis Method on the Structure and Morphological Properties of Magnesium Ferrite Nanoparticles // Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems. Materials of XVI International Conference, ICPTTFN-XVI 2017, May, 15-20 – Ivano-Frankivsk. – 2017. – 236 с.

6. Ivan Mironyuk, Igor Mykytyn, Hanna.Vasylyeva. Structural and morphological properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles doped by Boron atoms. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State. V. 23, No. 3 (2022) pp. 542-549.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.23.3.542-549

7. Mironyuk, A.Kaglyan, H.Vasylyeva, I.Mykytyn, D.Gudkov, L.Turovska, Investigation of the chemical and radiation stability of titanium dioxide with surface arsenate groups during 90Sr adsorption. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Volumes 251–252, October 2022.


8. Mironyuk, I., Vasylyeva, H., Mykytyn, I., Zavilopulo, A., & Vasyliev, O. (2024). Removal of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) ions by adsorbent based on Titanium Dioxide. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 25(3), 441-452.

Scientific activity
Author and co-author of more than 100 publications (including 51 indexed by Scopus), more than 100 patents, co-author of few books, over 50 oral and poster presentations, h-index: 16, total number of citations: 723 (Scopus, March 2020).
1992 – State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
2006 – the winner of the All-Ukrainian competitions “Invention of the Year 2006”
2006 – the winner of the competition “Galician whims”;
2009 – the winner of the All-Ukrainian competitions “Invention of the Year – 2009”
2009 – the winner of the competition “Galician whims”;
2010 – the winner of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Inventors Competition named after Tersenov.

Research Grants
2012 – 2014: Nanomaterials in energy generation and nano-accumulation devices (CRDF)
2012 – 2014: Obtaining and accumulation of “solar” hydrogen in a photoelectrochemical system with high efficiency (No. 5335)
2017 – 2019: Creating a new generation of sorbents for heavy metal and strontium removing from the water environment (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU), № 0117U002408).
2018 – 2020: Metaloxide magnetically controlled nanostructures for ecological and biomedical applications (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU), № 0118U000254)
2018 – 2020: Composite building materials based on cement and fly ash from thermal power plant (Ukraine)

– Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
– Surface Chemistry

Professional Experience
– Synthesis of high-purity SiC
– Synthesis of titania adsorbents
– Gas-phase and liquid-phase synthesis of nanomaterials
– Carbon electrode materials for capacitors and energy storage
– Structure characterisation and determination (XRD)
– Microstructure and qualitative/quantitative analysis (SEM, TEM, EDS)
– Thermal analysis (TG, DSC, DTA, TG/DSC)
– Surface and pore size analysis (BET)