Scholarship of the Lozynsky Foundation (USA)

The purpose of the competition is to encourage University students who have high academic success. The Lozynsky Foundation (USA) enables students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University to get a scholarship from the Foundation for 10 months of the academic Читати далі


On September 17, 2021, a scientific and practical conference of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Organization of the Society of Inventors and Innovators of Ukraine will be held in the conference hall Nadiya LLC at 1 p.m., within the framework of which Читати далі

Ranked in the TOP-30 universities in Ukraine according to U-Multirank

According to U-Multirank 2021 world university ranking, Precarpatian National University ranks 29th among the universities of Ukraine. Only 76 universities of Ukraine were listed in U-Multirank 2020−2021. Positive assessment of Precarpatian University’s performance according to all five groups of U-Multirank’s criteria is evidence of its comprehensive sustainable Читати далі