Kolomyia and environmental initiatives!

On December 19, 2023, teachers from the Department of Chemistry visited the second largest city in our region, Kolomyia, to present the project “Monitoring of environmental objects in the context of European integration” that is implemented at our University with Читати далі

Chemical workshop

On Friday, our “Chemical Workshop” welcomed active young people interested in chemical oddities – lyceum students of the Physico-Technical Lyceum, students of the Center for Educational Innovations and pharmacy students of the National Medical University – and their mentors. We Читати далі

Congratulations to future great chemists!

The staff of the Department of Chemistry sincerely congratulates our freshmen! Let your desire to study grow every day, and study at the university will bring you pleasure and success. We wish you to become sought-after specialists. Patience, inspiration and Читати далі

Water is the basis of life

On World Water Monitoring Day, students of the speciality 102 ‟Chemistry” had the opportunity to visit the modern laboratory of the Dniester basin management of water resources. We sincerely thank the head of the laboratory, Mariia Zasidko, and the leading Читати далі

Old mattresses made new

Together with partners from industry, researchers from Aarhus University have now proven that simple chemistry can do more than just extract important raw materials from polyurethane foam – the most important component can also be reused again and again. It Читати далі