Chemical workshop

On Friday, our “Chemical Workshop” welcomed active young people interested in chemical oddities – lyceum students of the Physico-Technical Lyceum, students of the Center for Educational Innovations and pharmacy students of the National Medical University – and their mentors.

We gladly presented our guests with interesting master classes for all tastes – on analytical chemistry, chemistry and technology of food products and cosmetics, miraculous transformations from the world of plants, familiarization with express air analysis devices, and, of course, bright chemical experiments.

Each of our visitors found an activity to their liking. Although it was not easy to choose the most interesting)

Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy took into account the nuances of making aromatic bath bombs. Lyceum students liked the exact science of analytics – they determined the presence and amount of vitamin C in a baby food product using qualitative reactions and the titrimetric indophenol method. Our youngest guests – high school students of Lyceum 6 and students of the Center for Educational Innovations – were fascinated by the spectacular chemical experiments and metamorphosis of flower extract under the influence of chemicals present in everyday life.

Everyone was interested in technological methods of manufacturing artificial and natural caviar and ways of their recognition. Devices for express analysis of the content of harmful substances in the air and information about the project on monitoring environmental objects, which is implemented by the teachers of the Department of Chemistry, and consists in involving youth and the public in improving the environmental safety of life, also attracted attention.

It was informative and not boring) We enjoyed hosting inquisitive young people and sharing with them the secrets of chemical see. We are looking forward to new guests!